2018-2019 China Hefei - City & Park: central park district, renewal of airport grounds

Luogang project site covers fifteen square-kilometres, between
Hefei Expressway, Jinxiu Avenue, Huizhou Avenue, Baohe Avenue.

in this large area of airport grounds,
in Hefei city (the capital of Anhui province),
the urban design proposal is founded on the balance of
city and nature in a fifty-fifty intrinsic relationship.
half of the area is reserved for Hefei's Central-Park,
one of the largest in the world. 

2018-2019 China Hefei - City & Park: central park district, renewal of airport grounds

the secret of the proposal's design and— at the same time—
the foundation for the design itself is
the four-dimensionality of the public-space.
proportionality, profundity and diversity are qualities
of the scheme's sequential spaces, abounding in rich components:
active and inert spaces;
shadowy and bright rooms;
macro and micro structures;
open and closed areas;
long and short paths;
urban and natural arrangements.
the numerous motion choices,
together with circular directions,
ensure contentment amongst visitors and citizens of Hefei. 

2018-2019 China Hefei - City & Park: central park district, renewal of airport grounds

an exemplar of four-dimensionality is the Grand Mall of Hefei,
a sequence of spaces springing from
the Hefei South Station to the Grand Wheel of Hefei. 

2018-2019 China Hefei - City & Park: central park district, renewal of airport grounds

either on the ground or on the Cloud-Bridge (20m above ground),
one can walk and enjoy the connection between
the South Station and the Centre-Hub
and through the station's south square—
redefined with two rooms of twenty-six-thousand square-metres. 

2018-2019 China Hefei - City & Park: central park district, renewal of airport grounds

the Centre-Hub displays multiple entrances
at multiple sides and levels, comprising
office, residential and commercial structures;
the new regional station, with the hall twenty metres above ground;
a Metro station, ten metres below the ground;
national/regional bus station and local bus stations, at ground-level;
and a beautiful garden of hundred-thousand square-metres,
elevated twenty five metres,
bridging the South Square and the Innovation Square. 

2018-2019 China Hefei - City & Park: central park district, renewal of airport grounds

the Cloud-Garden relates specially with the new regional station
and it is formulated by mountains of tower-buildings,
streams of plazas and thousands of plants.
all elements are deliberately shaped and positioned,
in order to guide one through the Centre-Hub complex. 

2018-2019 China Hefei - City & Park: central park district, renewal of airport grounds

the new regional station connects directly with the tram station
in the magnificent Innovation Square,
square shaped with eighty-six square-metres.
strategically positioned at the intersection of the three axes,
this square acts functionally and symbolically as
the great hall of the Centre-Hub (north/west);
the salon of business, where the Innovation Blvd originate (south); 
the lobby of the Innovation Community (east); and 

the threshold of the Wood-Runway (southeast).